Recursive search in an array of objects!

Problem Statement: Search if a value is present in an array of objects.


2 min read

Recursive search in an array of objects!

If the given value is present in a particular key i.e. "color" in our case return the "index" otherwise return "-1"

Let's say we have the following array of objects:

const colorSet = [
    { color: "red", value: "#f00" },
    { color: "green", value: "#0f0" },
    { color: "blue", value: "#00f" },
    { color: "cyan", value: "#0ff" },
    { color: "magenta", value: "#f0f" },
    { color: "yellow", value: "#ff0" },
    { color: "black", value: "#000" }

Approach & Solution:

  • Create one function which will take the three parameters:

    • An array of objects [see above colorSet]

    • A search value

    • Length of the array - 1 (last index of the array)

  • Add base condition if the length is less than 0. That means we have not got the search value. Return from there.

  • Extract obj from an array using an index parameter.

  • Check if the object has a search value.

  • If the value is present return the index otherwise return the same function with a decrement last index of the array.

  • Last print the index.


const searchMe = (arr, search, index) => {
  // base condtion
  if (index < 0) {
    return index;

  // processing
  const obj = arr[index];
  const ans = obj.color === search;

   * if value present return the index otherwise 
   * return the searchMe with decreament the last index of array
  if (ans) {
    return index;
  } else {
    return searchMe(arr, search, index - 1);

let result = null;

result = searchMe(colorSet, 'nikhilkrdwivedi', colorSet.length - 1);
console.log({ result });

result = searchMe(colorSet, 'blue', colorSet.length - 1);
console.log({ result });


You will able to see the following output in the console.

Case 1: As you can see 'nikhilkrdwivedi' is not present in "color" key that's why the index is -1 and the result is logged as -1.

Case 2: 'blue' is present at the 2nd index of the array. Hence the result is logged as 2.

{ result: -1 }
{ result: 2 }

Happy Codings ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿผโ€๐Ÿ’ป
