Check if an array is sorted or not using recursive approach!

Check if an array is sorted or not using recursive approach!

Find out if an array is sorted or not using recursive approach.


2 min read

Problem Statement:

You will have given an array. You need to find out if the array is sorted in ascending order or not. Remember equal values are allowed.


Let's follow the below algorithm:

  • If the length of the array is 0 or 1, return true. (Base Condition)

  • Check if the last two values of the array are sorted. Make a recursive call with a decrement in the length of the array. If values are not sorted return false.

  • If all values will be sorted, then the length of the array will be 1 and the base condition will hit.


The following code is in JavaScript:

function isArraySorted(arr, n) {
     * base case
     * 1. if array length is (0||1) 
     * that means we don't need to validate.
     * 2. if array already checked all values using recursive call.
    if (n == 1 || n == 0){
        return true;

     * 1. if first value is greater than second from last.
     * 2. Equal values are allowed.
    if (arr[n - 1] < arr[n - 2]){
        return false;

     * Make recursive call
    return isArraySorted(arr, n - 1);

let sampleArray = [10, 20, 20, 40, 80, 90];
let length = sampleArray.length;
let ans = isArraySorted(sampleArray, length);
console.log({ ans });


sampleArray = [10, 20, 20, 100, 80, 90];
length = sampleArray.length;
ans = isArraySorted(sampleArray, length);
console.log({ ans });


You will able to see the following output in the console.

{ ans: true }
{ ans: false }

Time Complexity: O(n) Auxiliary Space: O(n) for Recursion Call Stack.

Happy Codings ๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿผโ€๐Ÿ’ป
